Our Legal Advocates provide support for issues involving poverty and family law.
Free legal Poverty Law Advocacy services for low-income individuals and families in the Tri-City area
The poverty law advocate assists with applications and reviews for income assistance, Persons with Disability, Canada Pension Plan as well as advocacy for landlord/tenant disputes. This program is funded by the The Law Foundation.
Contact Information
How to get more information: 604.540.9161
Location: 2615 Clarke St., Port Moody
Office hours:
Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 – 4:00pm *office hours vary
Who qualifies: Low-income individuals and families residing in the Tri-Cities.
Program Resources and Templates
- If you are looking for help outside of office hours, or the advocate is unavailable, please refer to the following phone numbers:
- For help with income assistance: Call the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction at 1 866-866-0800
- For assistance with Persons With Disabilities (PWD) and Canada Pension Plan Disability (CPPD) applications or reconsiderations and appeals please call the Disability Alliance of BC at (604) 872-1278
- For assistance with a tenancy issue please call TRAC at (604) 255-0546 or the Residential Tenancy Branch at (604) 660-1020

Free legal Family Law advocacy services for low-income individuals and families in the Tri-City area
The family law advocate provides information, and assistance navigating family law matters including separation/divorce, guardianship, parenting time, child or spousal support, and child protection matters. Family law advocate also supports clients with applications and appeals for legal aid and referrals to relevant services. This program is funded by The Law Foundation.
Contact Information
How to get more information: 604.540.9161
Location: 2615 Clarke St., Port Moody
Office hours: Advocate is available Monday to Friday, *office hours vary
Who qualifies: Low-income individuals and families residing in the Tri-Cities.
Program Resources and Templates
- If you are looking for help outside of office hours, or the advocate is unavailable, please refer to the following phone numbers:
- If you are experiencing family violence and are in need of immediate help, please call 9-1-1
- If MCFD has expressed concern about a child in your care, please call Legal Services Society of BC to apply for Legal Aid: 604.408.2172 or 1-866-577-2525
- For more information about family law, and step-by-step guides for various family law matters, please Click Here.